December 21, 2012

The Status of Mr. Kazemi Boroujerdi’s family in Iran

Mr. Kazemeini Boroujedi has suffered enormous losses because of his campaign against the Velayat-e-Faghih and for the separation of the state from religion. This has included the government’s murder of his mother, it’s persecution and mass arrests of his supporters, it’s numerous home and property confiscations, and it’s permanent surveillance, restrictions and pressures on his children and other family members.
Kazemi Boroujerdi's wife, 52-year-old Ms. Akram Validusti, was arrested and detained on the (Persian date) Mehr. 85 (Sept. 2006). She is suffering from heart disease (angina) because of continuing, intense and increasing stress, pressure and threats. Their eldest son Seyed Mahdi Kazemeini Booujerdi was tortured in the presence of his mother and father in order to force his father to confess, which caused this 46 year old mother to have a heart attack. This besieged and ill woman has now been hospitalized 3 times in Tehran’s Rajaee Hospital for heart failure. In early June of this year, again she was taken to the hospital. The government’s Information Security includes constant monitoring of their home by a security camera. They also regularly observe their commutes and inspect their mail. All help and visits by others with the family of Mr. Boroujerdi have been banned by the authorities. Participation of Mr. Boroujerdi’s children (Mahdi, Mohammad, Mahya, and Marziye ) in any state program or institution is forbidden, including attendance at any public universities. In 1386 (2007), the authorities of the computer company where his sons Mahdi and Mohammad were working, jobs through which the family had insurance, were arrested and threatened. They could no longer provide any jobs or help to the family. As a result, the family’s financial situation and the conditions under which family members must live has been extremely difficult and unpleasant, with much hardship. The enormous health care costs for treating Mr. Boroujerdi’s wife, Akram Validusti, has created even more intolerable pressures on the family, especially after the government’s seizure and confiscation of all his property.

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