November 27, 2021

The message of Mr. Boroujerdi, the Founder of Monotheism Without Borders to the Virtual Conference of the Parliament of World’s Religions, 2021

 Greetings to all the founders of the parliamentary of religion, the world’s religious leaders, panelists, and symposium organizers,

Peace be upon all the prophets,

You have gathered at this conference to advocate your religion. Each of you belongs to a particular religion, faith, or spiritual belief. Many of your beliefs are not chosen; the majority of you were born to parents who live within a particular country and so your religion is something that you were born into and brought up with, and eventually, you will die in that religion. Then, you will find the great promise and hope that religions have offered related to the afterlife.

 I wish you would consider attending under the title of “No Religion” in the 8th Parliament of the World’s Religions gathering. From where I’m standing, according to the historical documents and primary sources in religions, "No religion is a religion.” In other words, rejection of religious beliefs systems is a religion.

August 14, 2021

Recent situation of Mr. Boroujerdi


To the individuals and organizations that follow Mr. Boroujerdi's situation:

Unfortunately, the websites related to Mr. Boroujerdi is facing many problems, which are in fact cyber-attacks similar to those mentioned in our October 12, 2020 statement. This time, the English section of the blog ran into another problem and our efforts for restoring it to its previous address were unsuccessful.

We would like to inform you about the change of the address of “Bame Azadi” English blog, and from now on you can follow the English content of “Bame Azadi” blog through the following link:

Also, with regards to the latest update of his condition, in addition to the cases mentioned in the statements dated April 23, 2017 and October 12, 2020 (the links below), the following items are mentioned.


We hereby announce that Mr. Boroujerdi's physical condition is deteriorating day by day instead of actually improving. He continues to suffer from the past aches and pains that he endured during his eleven years of imprisonment because of undergoing tortures - such as back pain and knee pain, in a way that he is unable to have a restful night due to his pains. Both of his knees are affected by ankylosis or joint stiffness and are swollen. Recently, the tightness and stretching of the tendons and arteries behind his knee have been added to his former complications, which, according to him, are so severe that he cannot move at all. His respiratory problems have also become aggravated, which, of course, worsened due to living in a polluted area of ​​the city in the center of Tehran, and it is necessary for him to be transferred to another area or city with pollution-free air. Both of his hands are shaking severely.

April 10, 2021

Boroujerdi’s message on the occasion of International day of atheism (March 23)


The subject of atheism is a fact that can be found in the minds of all those who are disappointed and disillusioned with earthborn religions and denominations. All religions and denominations talk about a God who is pleased with the creations; the obligations that God has said and carried out and taken responsibility for, have not been fulfilled; if we look at God's promise in the scriptures, it has two aspects – one pertains to this world, and the other to the world beyond!