December 24, 2013

The message of Kazemeini-Boroujerdi for Christmas

Peace be upon the soul of the Almighty, Jesus Christ
 I salute the great prophet who taught compassion to humanity and brought the light of love to the world. 
 I offer my sincerest prayers to this divine messenger whose name has radiated throughout history, who became the link to the gentleness of the divine, who brought light to the darkness of the soul and alleviated the burden of suffering, all the while inviting mankind to grace, charity and solace.  

December 21, 2013

A Greeting from an Iranian prisoner of conscience to Christians on the threshold of the New Year

Prisoner conscience in Evin,Mr Boroujerdi has sent out profound greetings to the Christians all over the world and his compatriots for the new year threshold.

December 18, 2013

Boroujerdi Prohibited from Meeting with Delegation from European Parliament

Special Clerical Tribunal Tortures and Threatens Imprisoned Cleric, Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi at During European Parliament Delegation Trip to Iran

According to a report submitted to the "Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran" liberal cleric Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi spent 6 hours at the headquarters of the Special Clerical Tribunal under interrogation, threats and psychological torture. 

December 06, 2013

Ronaghi Maleki and Kazemeyni Boroujerdi in Urgent Need of Medical Care

Amnesty USA: Political prisoners in Iran, including prisoners of conscience, are routinely subjected to inhuman and degrading prison conditions, including overcrowding, poor food and water, dirty and unsanitary facilities, and medical neglect. Many of them suffered severe injuries as a result of torture in custody that have never been properly treated while many others contract chronic and debilitating ailments including kidney and lung infections. Political prisoners, who seek medical leave to enable them to receive urgent or specialized medical care, as permitted under Iranian law, often see their requests arbitrarily rejected and appear to be routinely discriminated against by the prison administration.

December 03, 2013

Abuse, threats and vicious interrogation of Kazemeini-Boroujerdi family in Evin prison’s visiting room

According to reports received by Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran," the family of cleric, Mr.Kazemeini-Boroujerdi were verbally abused, and were forced into violative inspection at the hands of agents from the Ministry of Intelligence.
 On Saturday, November 30th, the Boroujerdi family went to Evin prison to visit Mr. Boroujerdi. There, they were confronted with severe physical inspections that were much more abusive than the usual treatment. Mr. Boroujerdi's family, including his wife and young daughters, who were verbally abused and insulted. They were even more brutalized when they dared to protest the guards conduct.

November 28, 2013

Economic pressure on the children of Mr. Boroujerdi

Mr. Seyed Hossein Boroujerdi, 55-year-old prisoner of conscience is serving his eighth year, of an eleven year sentence. He was charged with calling for the separation of religion and state and has stood steadfast on his principles and has sent letters to international legal bodies from within his cell. He continues his struggle against a tyrannical regime all the while the regime has sought to destroy him by putting various forms of pressure on him and his family. The situation is such that Mr. Boroujerdi’s sons, Mehdi and Mohammad have been prohibited from continuing their higher education and deprived of all work that is in any way related to the government. They are even forbidden employment at private companies, as intelligence agents of the regime continue to make trouble. 

November 26, 2013

TIMMERMAN: Letter from an Iranian prison

By Kenneth R. Timmerman October 18, 2013
A good measure of how a regime will behave toward its neighbors can be found in how it treats its own people.
As negotiations resumed this week in Geneva over Iran’s nuclear weapons programs, Iranian regime officials have taken an increasingly hard line, making it unlikely any progress will be made absent significant U.S. concessions.
Before Secretary of State John F. Kerry is tempted to give away the store in order to achieve a Pyrrhic victory, he would do well to listen to the voices of those the regime in Tehran has tried so hard to silence: its political prisoners.

November 22, 2013

Inhumane pressures on freedom-loving and anti-regime cleric,Kazemeini-Boroujerdi

According to "Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran" inhumane pressures on freedom-loving and anti-regime cleric, Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi, by prohibiting him from receiving all medical treatment was directly ordered by the Special Clerical Tribunal.
In addition to Mr. Boroujerdi’s heart condition which remains untreated, the condition of his eyes has also begun to seriously deteriorate recently. Due to the ongoing physical torture that he has endured throughout the seven years of his arbitrary detention, he is now suffering from damage to his retina. He is said to have lost close to 90% of his sight. Since his eyes have been untreated, he now also has Epiphora as well as Parkinson's disease, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory and pulmonary problems, kidney stones and swollen legs.  

November 20, 2013

Attack on Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi’s prison cell

A new round of pressures and inhumane treatment, threats and abuse against freedom-loving Ayatollah Kazemeini-Boroujerdi 
According to Human Rights Activist for Democracy in Iran on Sunday, November 17th, Mr. Boroujerdi was viciously attacked inside his prison cell and then transferred to the Special Clerical Tribunal offices (a building specifically designed for the interrogation and temporary detention of dissident clerics) in the Zaferanieh district of Tehran. However, Mr. Boroujerdi who has  stood on his principals refused to go. He was then beaten and verbally abused by a special  agent by the name of Rousta. Later the same afternoon, a colleague of Rousta, by the name of Youssefinia (deputy to Ebrahim Raissi, Special Clerical Prosecutor appointed by the Supreme Leader) returned to attack and further abuse Mr. Boroujerdi.

Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi’s condition worsens in Evin Prison

Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) - Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi, dissident cleric and political prisoner detained in the Special Clerical ward at Evin prison is suffering from various illnesses and has been prohibited from receiving all medical treatment.

Based on received reports from HRANA, the 55 year old Boroujerdi has served seven years in prison and has never been given any furlough from prison.

November 12, 2013

Moharram and the Importance of a Secularist Movement

I embark upon my eighth Moharram in prison. One thousand four hundred years ago, twenty eight generations back, Imam Hossein who is my ancestor, was also held captive by a religious dictatorship. He had revolted against that political religion in order to free faith from Yazid’s political pollution. So Hossein stood firm, armed with his faith and gave his, his families and friends lives to that cause. Today, that same tragedy has been repeated and I, the descendant of the prophet, who stands in defense of the merciful God who has been misrepresented by the plot of a religious regime which oppresses, violates and suffocates and in the name of divinity promotes the crimes of the Supreme Leader. Therefore, I now suffer the same calamity that my innocent forefathers faced.

November 11, 2013

Roger Cohen, "Bibi’s Tired Iranian Lines": Again, "Iran Is Not Totalitarian"

Jeffrey Grossman

After telling us throughout the first six months of 2009 that Iran is not totalitarian, i.e., until his bubble was burst when Supreme Leader Khamenei savagely quashed Iran's Green Revolution, Roger Cohen is again seeking to spread his delusional hogwash. In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "Bibi’s Tired Iranian Lines" (link), Cohen, who doesn't speak Farsi, would have us know:
"It is not just that the world has now heard from Netanyahu of the imminent danger of a nuclear-armed Iran for a very long time. It is not just that Israel has set countless 'red lines' that proved permeable. It is not just that the Islamic Republic has been an island of stability compared to its neighbors Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not just that, as Rouhani’s election shows, Iran is no Nazi-like totalitarian state with a single authority but an authoritarian regime subject to liberalizing and repressive waves."

November 04, 2013

They suffocated my voice with the bribes they offered up

I send greetings to friends, family and supporters and wish them all success in serving our God Almighty and the righteous everywhere 
In my eighth years of captivity in the prison of the Supreme Leader, I have come to know about political realities. One cannot be political and defend freedom and justice as it is powerful politicians who set the parameters and in order to awaken the politicians, it is the political activists around the world who should be defending human rights. However, the issue of human rights has become nothing more than an artifice for some activists and therefore politicians, to use, to either promote or to obstruct to their own advantage. 

October 27, 2013

They have shamelessly put on the clerical frock in order to legitimize the massacre of innocent people

On the occasion of the Eid Ghadeer, Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi has penned a letter from inside prison, in order to once again expose the regime: “Never will the articulate calendar of history forget my annihilation for having exposed the nature of political Islam and for standing up to the monarchic Mullahs.”

Once again, I send Eid Ghadeer greeting to all humanitarian authorities

I salute all those righteous leaders who are strangers to violence and I greet all those who rule justly and peacefully. I offer my condolences to our Almighty as his guardianship of all his creatures was viciously and audaciously taken hostage by the message of this nefarious revolution, which was the installation of a divine governance for the truly needy and wanting. How awful and unfortunate when an inferior person is called the Supreme Leader! They have made such a mockery of the clerical ranks, toying with the length and breadth of humanity. 

October 17, 2013

A short Glance to 22 years non-violent resistance

As I begin my eighth year as a prisoner of dictators, I would like to briefly look back at the theory behind these inexcusable and irrefutable crimes and I will search my mind for the account of all that has happened.
In 1991 when I established the faculty for instruction of traditional and non-traditional Islamic sources, it was in order to expound on the true heart of the religion. I was watched, wiretapped and threatened by Intelligence and Security agents of the regime.

October 14, 2013

The country has been under the control of wolves dressed in clerical clothes

Once again another sacrificial lamb has appeared so that he can offer his life in the slaughterhouse of history, to the alter of the bloodthirsty who have no mercy on great or small and who behead one and all with their sword of cruelty, inhumanity and perversion.

It is the Eid of Sacrifice (Eid’eh Ghorban) and thirty five years of holding Muslims hostage to the Islamic ideology of a regime that deceives and steals, disguised as clerics and men of the cloth. The country has been under the control of wolves dressed in clerical clothes.

October 07, 2013

Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi’s message on the occasion of the eighth year of the storming of his home and arrest of his supporters

Greetings of the meek to the Almighty who at no time neglected to caress his creatures; the Almighty who neither commanded violence, nor ever sent forth a prophet to abuse believers, and whose commandments were not ordained for inhumanity.
 I embark on the eighth year of the most horrifying and painful imprisonment, which is the mark of a treacherous political Islamic apparatus, headed by fraudulent clerics. It is with great pity that thirty four years ago, the forsaken people of Iran were fooled by these so-called men of the cloth, giving the power of their vote away to a religious regime and scorching the path to their own future and that of generations to come.

October 04, 2013

The campaign to Keep Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi Alive has begun it's efforts

We have come together to establish a campaign to “Keep Kazemeini-Boroujerdi Alive

He has been in prison since October of 2006, deprived of any legal representation and medical care. It is now the beginning of the eighth years of his arrest and he is near death as a result of the years of torture, malnutrition and horrific sanitary conditions in prison; he has contracted numerous illnesses that have become chronic, starting from his heart, to his kidneys, pulmonary, and severe arthritis pain. Despite all this, his jailers who take their orders directly from Ali Khamenei, the so-called Supreme Leader, have not only prohibited him from being released from prison, on medical furlough at a hospital, they have also refuse him all the necessary medication.

Iran’s Imprisoned Ayatollah Suffers Heart Attack

In July, I reported on the grave situation of Hossein Bourojerdi, one of Iran’s most courageous dissidents. Bourojerdi, who carries the honorific Shia Muslim title of “ayatollah,” is a veteran opponent of Iran’s ruling system of velayat e faqih, whereby Islamic jurists exercise total control over society and its institutions.
Bourojerdi was first incarcerated in 2006. At the time, hundreds of the ayatollah’s supporters valiantly attemped to stop him from being dragged out of his south Tehran home by the police. Since then, reports of Bourojerdi’s failing health have regularly surfaced. Now, Iranian human-rights activists have passed on the news that Bourojerdi, who is languishing in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, began experiencing heart failure last Sunday.

October 02, 2013

Kazemeini-Boroujerdi suffers a heart attack in prison

Based on received reports from the organization Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran, prisoner of conscience, Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi suffered a heart attack and pulmonary hypertension in his cell in Evin prison. However rather than being transferred to a hospital, the prison authority transferred him to the on-sight infirmary which is hardly equipped to deal with any such emergencies. He was kept in the infirmary for a short time and then returned to his cell. 
Mr. Boroujerdi who is at the beginning of his eighth year of his imprisonment, has continued to experience serious heart and pulmonary issues throughout the years. On Sunday morning, September 29th, he began to once again experience extreme pain in his chest and shortage of breath that was untreated the entire day; finally on Monday morning the chest pain and shortage of breath combined, lead to a heart attack. 

September 27, 2013

stand up to the bloodthirsty dictators, in the guise of holy men

Greeting to all you who are in attendance, Ladies and Gentlemen,

 My name is Majid Mohseni and I am the voice of a prisoner of conscience, who has written to you who strive for human rights, from within Evin Prison. Mr. Seyyed Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi has been in prison for seven year continuously.
Based on available information, the intensity of the pressure on Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi has increased, in such a way that the Special Clerical Court prosecutor, only known as Haji Ghadiani, visited him personally in his cell and demanded his silence and cooperation with the regime. Mr. Boroujerdi who refused was then faced with a storm of invective and threat of death from said prosecutor. During the past seven years of his incarceration, Mr. Boroujerdi has been deprived of legal representation and has in fact not only been prohibited from medical furlough where he can receive the much needed and proper medical treatment.

September 23, 2013

Letter Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi to 67th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Your Excellency, Secretary General of the United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen, heads of states and nations participating in the 67th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations,
 Please accept the greetings of this humble imprisoned cleric, who writes to convey himself to you from within a prison cell which is surrounded by a cruelty and brutality called religion and faith. It is many years that the hands of the claimants of Islam have captured me and held me hostage. They have wasted my youth, my life and health, and now, as you come together for this global event, in order to inform each other of the hidden pains and concerns of each others communities, it is apt that you should focus on the ills that invade the contemporary world and the abused rights of the innocent and helpless.

September 21, 2013

Kazemeini-Boroujerdi supporter, Najmeh Sameni fired

The continued pressure and threats has taken it’s toll on yet another member of the family, friends and supporters of Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi. This time, Ms. Najmeh Sameni, a long time defender of this freedom-loving cleric has been discharged from her job. 

According to the Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran , Ms. Sameni was an employee of a private sports cooperative and had been arrested once, in 2006. Her case file however had remained open and under the full supervision of the Special Clerical Court.

September 16, 2013

Kazemeini-Boroujerdi’s wife interrogated at Special Clerical Court

Based on reports from the Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran website, on Monday, September 9th, Ms. Akram Vali-Doosti, wife of Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi was summoned to the Special Clerical Court where she spent many hours under interrogation and psychological pressure.

The motivation behind such viciousness against Mr. Boroujerdi’s family is to specifically put pressure on Mr. Boroujerdi, who as a freedom-loving cleric has spent the last seven years in the most inhumane and medieval conditions in prison. 

September 07, 2013

Kazemeini-Boroujerdi’s statement to the Minister of Intelligence: “You will not succeed in making reforms”

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
Attention Notable Minister of Intelligence,

I offer you the greetings of all innocent prisoners.

I considered writing you a personal letter but I realized that over my years of imprisonment, the personal letters that I wrote to the authorities of the regime was fodder for them to further persecute me. Hence I have chosen to write you in an open forum, where my words can be registered on the pages of Iranian contemporary history, and for it to be observed by many, in years to come.

August 14, 2013

A message from Kazemeini-Boroujerdi for the first gathering of Iranian secular

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The first gathering of Iranian secular and Democratic activists took place on August 3rd and 4th, 2013, in Washington D.C.
On the first day of the gathering of Iranians secular, several messages from various figures, among whom were the secularist cleric Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi and Reza Pahlavi, was read out loud. Following that, a number of speakers delivered speeches about the constitutional revolution and rampant discrimination by the Islamic regime.

The eight Eid of Fetr where I have given my life as offering (Fetri’eh)

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
This is the eighth Eid of Fetr where my life has been my offering (Fetri’eh) and my alms have been my body and soul. Is it truly the Eid of Fetr?
Is this the Eid of desperate Muslims?
Is it an Eid which is accompanied with torture and dictatorship, rather than sweets and celebratory food?
Do these Eids actually convey a message?
Is that message an inspiration of the grace of God?

August 08, 2013

Commentary Magazine Contentions The Plight of Ayatollah Bourojerdi

With the election of Hassan Rouhani as Iran’s new president, the international debate about reaching out to the “moderates” inside the Iranian regime has been reignited. But before we get overly excited at the prospect of a kinder, gentler breed of mullah, it’s worth revisiting one of the most heinous examples of human rights abuse in Iran, a case that involves a man who carries the honorific Shi’a Muslim title of “ayatollah.”
Over the last fortnight, the various Iranian emigre networks have lit up with renewed calls for the release of Ayatollah Hossein Bourojerdi. Bourojerdi, who has languished in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison since 2006, preaches an Islamic doctrine that is utterly at odds with regime’s outlook, in that he advocates the separation of mosque and state, and urges religious tolerance.

August 07, 2013

A report from Mr. Boroujerdi regarding the Supreme Leader's Prisons

A report regarding the inhumane behavior and religious inquisition in the dungeons and torture chambers of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei which as been prepared by the freedom-loving and anti-regime cleric who has been captivity, and has been provided for publication by Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran, in order to distribute among the various human rights organizations.

August 04, 2013

A Chance for the New Iranian President to Prove He’s a Reformer

By Linda Frum , And Michael Ledeen - wall street journal
Western diplomats at the Rouhani inauguration Sunday should challenge him to release political prisoners.
The inauguration of Hassan Rouhani as president of Iran on Sunday has stirred considerable hope among some Western observers for the start of a new era of liberalization in the Islamic Republic. Mr. Rouhani may prove to be the reformer his supporters claim, but the luxury of such optimism isn't available to the hundreds of dissidents who have run afoul of the Islamic Republic and are trapped in its prisons.

August 03, 2013

Suspicious death of a supporter of Ayatollah Kazemeini-Boroujerdi

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The Organization of Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran reports that Mr. Mohammad Sawmeni, a supporter and relative of Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi passed away on July 12th, at age 74. He was the father of Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi’s daughter-in-law. Due to his family relation to Boroujerdi, he had, over the years, been summoned to the special clerical tribunal for interrogation during which time, he was repeatedly threatened. He had also been arrested, though released, by putting his property as bail bond. 

July 30, 2013

Supporters of Kazemeini-Boroujerdi being fired from their jobs

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The Organization of Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran reports that a number of the supporters of Ayatollah Kazemeini-Boroujerdi are being systematically fired from their jobs. 

This wave of terminations began three months ago, prior to the elections in Iran and so far three of the female supporters of the detained cleric, have been ousted from their respective positions. Fatemeh Sawmeni, Zahra Abdollahvand and Maryam Azimi, were each employed by private and non-governmental companies, and despite their individual track record of excellence and professionalism were discharged without any prior notice. 

July 27, 2013

Save Ayatollah Boroujerdi

Michael Ledeen -PJ Media
A brave and good man is dying.  Ayatollah Hossein Kazemeini  Boroujerdi is incarcerated in Tehran’s infamous Evin prison, as he has been since 2006.  He is routinely tortured, denied medication for his grave ailments (including heart disease), and under 24-hour surveillance by officers of the Intelligence Ministry.  This sort of treatment is reserved for Iranians judged to be a serious threat to the tyrannical Iranian regime.
Ayatollah Boroujerdi threatens the regime for two reasons:  he advocates toleration of all religious (and non-religious) beliefs, and, in keeping with Shi’ite tradition, opposes the involvement of religious leaders in politics.  Years ago, he said  “the regime is adamant that either people adhere to political Islam or be jailed, exiled or killed. Its behavior is no different from that of Osama bin Laden or Mullah Omar.”

July 25, 2013

Ambassador Bennett Condemns Detention of Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi in Iran

July 24, 2013 - Andrew Bennett, Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom, today issued the following statement:
“Canada strongly condemns the continued imprisonment of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Kazamani Boroujerdi, a leading Shiite Muslim cleric, by the Iranian regime. Ayatollah Boroujerdi has reportedly been subjected to torture during his seven-year imprisonment in the Evin Prison in Tehran. He has been a critic of the Iranian regime’s heinous human rights violations. Ayatollah Boroujerdi is one among a large, untold number of Iranians in prison on politically motivated charges.

July 22, 2013

Another Ramadan under the boot of the regime of cruelty and violence

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The Middle of Ramadan is a reminder of the event where agents of the regime that feigns piety, stormed Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi’s residence, attacking him and his supporters. The regime of the Supreme Leader which is based on nothing more than deception and lies, ordered the brutal attack on those faithful and devout, who were present and fasting. Their only crime was opposing and protesting religious fundamentalism, and the implication of religion into politics. To that end, this Ramadan, Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi has issued a statement from inside Evin prison, which is published below.

July 19, 2013

Threats against Kazemeini-Boroujerdi increasing

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The Iranian regime agents continue to escalate pressure on dissident cleric Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi. Boroujerdi, who has spent the last seven years in prison, has now begun receiving daily blatant threats against his life and has been told that he will be silenced by any means necessary. 

Based on received reports, on Tuesday, July 15th, Jafar Ghadiani, the notorious prosecutor in the special clerical tribunal, personally paid Mr. Boroujerdi a visit and ordered him to keep quiet and make peace with the regime authority. Mr. Boroujerdi categorically rejected the demand; Ghadiani is reported to have replied: “We can kill you anytime we want and no one will be the wiser.”

July 14, 2013

An Open Letter to the New President of the Islamic Regime

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand

Excellency, Dr. Hassan Rouhani, 

Greetings. I offer you my congratulations in your new position as president of the government. I commend this letter of grievance to contemporary history of our land, Iran, so that it is placed in the record of political Islam.
 Though I am a religious leader, my seven years of incarceration betrays the real identity of this regime that lays its claim to canonical law. I have been charged with opposing the merging of religion in politics. I surrendered my prime, my health and wellbeing, and have been witness to the total ruination of my family. As I pen this painful petition, I draw ever closer to death. 

July 11, 2013

I do not regret any of my actions and I am prepared to die

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
Based on received reports, on Monday, July 8th, the special guards assigned to the dissident clerics ward of Evin prison took Mr. Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi for a new round of interrogations, which lead to many hours of physical and psychological torture. The interrogation began in the afternoon on Monday and continued through till Tuesday morning where Mr. Boroujerdi was repeatedly threatened and as a result of his refusal to concede to the demands of the regime’s pressures by signing a letter of ‘repentance’, he was informed that “the pressures and tortures will increase, until he has been destroyed.” 

July 07, 2013

The Boroujerdi Family Calls upon International Human Rights Organizations for Assistance

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The Boroujerdi family has called upon all international human rights organizations to urgently intervene in the
case of this and all other political prisoners. This letter has been addressed to these organizations and has been sent to various media outlets, as well as Iranian human rights and political activists. 

The text reads as follows:

On Saturday, June 29th, 2013, members of the Kazemeini-Boroujerdi  family appeared at Evin prison to visit Mr. Boroujerdi, only to witness the exceedingly critical  nature of his physical condition. Serving the seventh year of his eleven year prison sentence, he suffers from numerous ailments that result from continual medieval tortures that he has endured. He has developed acute heart disease which has lead to the inflammation of his feet and knees. Now, in connection to the coronary complications, he has also developed pulmonary and respiratory disorder which requires immediate treatment and medical attention in a hospital which is fully equipped to attend to these specific infirmities.

May 27, 2013

Mr Kazemeini Boroujerdi in Serious Condition in Prison Hospital

Following the recent transfer of Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi to solitary confinement in Evin Prison, the medieval prison of the mullahs' regime, where he has been under the most brutal forms of torture and inhumane conditions, his physical condition has greatly deteriorated.  Consequently, the regime was forced to transfer him to the prison clinic, where the medical staff has been unable to treat his condition effectively.

May 22, 2013

Re- You’re a Fake!

A paper with the title of “Iran’s multiplicity of messiahs, You’re a Fake” issued On 27 April 2013, in Economist journal explaining the “Mahdaviat”, returning of Mahdi, the 12th Imam according to Shia Muslims’ beliefs and also describing about fake people who have claimed to be Mahdi. Inside the paper, the unknown author accused Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi claiming being Mahdi while he just has advocated separation of religion from state and opposed to “Velayat-e-Faqih” clearly.
The representative of Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi sent a letter in response to this journal to clarify the reality, but unfortunately the Journal hasn’t replied and never published the letter to disproof the false information.

Attention Editors:
 I am Maryam Moazen-zadeh, Iranian human rights activist and blogger. I also am the representative of Mr. Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi, whom you have mentioned in your recent article entitled “Iran’s multiplicity of messiahs, You’re a Fake”.
 Having searched through the site, I was unable to find the name of the person responsible for writing erroneous information which unchecked has been published in your well known journal. Based on Media laws and freedom of expression and speech, I request you to publish this paper in response, in the very same column in your journal.

Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi,transferred to solitary confinement

According to a recent report from Tehran to the Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran, secular cleric, Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi, opposition liberal leader and prisoner of conscience, was transferred to solitary confinement on May 18, 2013.
Mr. Boroujerdi, opposed to Velayat-faqih, recently released a message urging a boycott of the presidential elections.  The message was widely disseminated throughout various media outlets and other interested groups.

Security forces in Evin prison entered the special ward for clergy and forced Mr Boroujerdi to gather his personal belongings in preparation for transfer to solitary confinement at the prison. There is no additional information regarding his condition at this time. The cleric has had no contact  with anyone outside of the prison since 4:00 pm (Tehran time) May 18, and  his family is completely unaware of his fate.

May 02, 2013

Imprisoned Ayatollah Resists Tyranny

Rachel Silverman
Ayatollah Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi symbolizes clerical resistance against the Shi’ite Islamist regime in Iran. Boroujerdi threatens the regime by presenting a coherent ideological argument against the Islamist regime from the perspective of a well-respected and high-ranking Shi’ite cleric. He supports separation of religion and state and rejects the regime’s anti-Semitic worldview. In discussing  women’s rights, he said,” if religion and the state be separated , these problems will be solved through a great vision.”

April 30, 2013

A statement from Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi on the occasion of the Assembly of the conference of Islamic awakening

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
I dedicate this to all those freedom-loving, peaceful, righteous and pious patriots,
 Once again, the treacherous oppressors of the ruling elite have organized another assembly of smoke and mirrors, laying out a trap in the guise of religious authority and Islamic awakening, to plunder, loot and pillage what is left of the belongings of the innocent people of Iran and lay it all to waste to the alter of their capriciousness and deceit in building their trenches for self-protection against global concerns.

April 23, 2013

To the brave and righteous people of Iran

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
Every passing day, the living conditions inside our country become invariably unbearable and grueling; even breathing under a dictatorship and in an atmosphere of suffocation becomes ever more problematic. We are facing a most distressing time in our nation’s history and these catastrophes are forcing the discussion on the nature and purpose of religion.

The bloody boots of the despotic Mullahs in power has destroyed our national interests and its brutal arms reach over our people is the whip clad arm of a slave driving master who in the name of religion created a crisis of faith and material within our exasperated and overwhelmed society.