October 30, 2015

Serious Need of Mr. Boroujerdi to Visit Independent Doctor

Despite the pursuit of human rights organizations and individuals, Mr. Boroujerdi’s physical condition and health have been reported to be poor. This prisoner of conscience, who is spending the tenth year of his 11-year sentence in Evin's prison solely because of his peaceful views, is suffering from various diseases such as heart and respiratory diseases and also osteoporosis, because of being deprived of medical care and adequate food, and being under torture during his detention, and Still deprived of medical services.

October 08, 2015

The Tenth Anniversary of Suppression of Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi and his Supporters

To the attention of honorable nations in the world,
Another year has passed - and once again the second half of the month of October reminds us of how Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi’s house was aggressed by the regime’s armed forces, leading to his arrest and that of his family and nearly a thousand of his supporters. A new crime is taking shape at this time, which will compromise history, freedom of thought, speech and expression for ever; and Inquisitions and interrogations of religious beliefs and the implementation of religious based monopolies will be harshly felt by all the oppressed people of Iran and the intellectuals of the world; and it is feared that freedom fighters and those who fight for justice and humanity will become victims of secret agreements signed by world powers.