October 12, 2020
Phone Disconnection and Cyber Attacks against Mr. Boroujerdi by the Iranian Government
October 04, 2020
Boroujerdi’s Message on Teacher's day
Greeting to all Dearest Teachers
The job of teaching is one of the most difficult in the world, since transferring of science and knowledge to the audiences who are not familiar with the literacy of science transmission is not so easy. Therefore, special teachers are required in each branch of science and technology.
September 09, 2020
Religion: A Global plight

The problematic situation of the earth residents has been initiated since the intellectual, political, belief, moral and social powers attempted to control and manage the human society. However, since all human beings have wisdom and most of the people have some levels of knowledge and education, so many people refused to follow their rule. Thus, those power-seekers had to resort to supernatural forces and come up with an invisible being called God, so that they could rule over the rest of the people of their time or making a basement for ruling on the future generations.
August 09, 2020
Statement 3: Accusations still continue!
July 26, 2020
Statement 2: Tricks of the Mullahs’ Think Tank to Force Broujerdi to Turnabout
July 22, 2020
Arrest and Torture of Boroujerdi's Supporters
February 23, 2020
Gastric Cancer: The Aftermath of Eleven Years Jail and Torture of Mr. Boroujerdi