May 28, 2019

A Petition to Establish a Global Campaign: No Politics-No Religion

Boroujerdi's Call to Invite all People Suffered from Religion and Politics, to Establish a Global Campaign:

We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, have concluded after decades of intellectual and practical research that the direction of politics in the world have been harmful and unfair throughout history, whereas that of religion have been unreliable.
In response to the invitation called by Boroujerdi, the founder of “Monotheism without Borders”, who has proved the incompetence of current religion based on his book called “the Encyclopedia of Appearance” in which several thousand justifications and
arguments in rejection of religion have been presented, we are currently not interested in the rule of politics over the world as well as rule of religion from each of faiths over the residents of our planet. Instead, we have chosen the third path which is No Politics-No Religion and we believe that this path will save mankind.
We certainly declare that the politics ruling on mankind not only in our time, but also throughout history, as recorded, had no advantage unless oppression on people, stealing people’s votes, looting the national wealth, discrimination and acting based on injustice. We also openly announce that there are disasters behind the veils of the religions and faiths and religion have been always a tool for opportunists as well as politicians to rule on the people.
We invite all people around the globe from all nations, races, and genders to pay more attention to this path and assist us to achieve global targets for the establishment of a world without war, untruth, massacre, slavery, and poverty through the third way which is No Politics-No Religion.

Wishing success in the achievement of these targets.

May 27, 2019

Boroujerdi: Neither Politics- Nor Religion

Based on my experiences achieved after forty years of intellectual and practical research, I have concluded that the direction of politics in the world have been harmful and unfair throughout the history, whereas that of religion have been unreliable. My conclusion is based on undeniable documents and not because of the fact that the politicians never kept what they had promised to assist me or that they never honored what they had committed generally to support our movement. It also is not because I have become anti-religious as a result of being harassed by the religious powers through different methods and various ways during last forty years.
For proving the incompetency of current religion, I have written a book called “the Encyclopedia of Appearance” in which I have collected and presented several thousand justifications and arguments demonstrating that the religion has never been responsive to mankind’s needs.
Currently, I am following another path which I am not interested in rule of politics over the world as well as rule of religion from each of faiths over the residents of our planet.
Instead, I have chosen the third path which is No Politics-No Religion, I believe that this path will save the mankind.

May 20, 2019

Boroujerdi’s Message Concerning the Iran-US War

 Concerning the current situation of Iran, no one can foresee what exactly will happen. Even the experienced politicians or political leaders such as Trump and Putin never know when and under which condition the war will begin.