August 07, 2013

A report from Mr. Boroujerdi regarding the Supreme Leader's Prisons

A report regarding the inhumane behavior and religious inquisition in the dungeons and torture chambers of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei which as been prepared by the freedom-loving and anti-regime cleric who has been captivity, and has been provided for publication by Human Rights Activists for Democracy in Iran, in order to distribute among the various human rights organizations.

The text of the report is as follows :

For a while now I have experience an increase in the abuse and harassment. I who disagrees with the slogans such as “Our faith, is the nature of our politics,” and it is as a result of the switching information of the heads of the Special Clerical Intelligence.

The building located in the Moghaddass’eh Ardebili Street, in the Zafaranieh district of Tehran, which has no signs and is heavily guarded, stands just next to the Shemiranat command post. According to the regime authorities themselves, it the Special Clerical Tribunal which is supposedly responsible for overseeing violations by the mullahs in Iran.

But this is an evil and diabolical cover for something that in reality, is nothing more than a place for religious censorship and inquisition of one’s faith. The heads of this ideological tribunal are all chosen and approved by the Supreme Leader who grants them  the right to do whatever they see fit.

For many years, Mohammad Salimi, maintained his position and was also member of the Guardian Council, and Ali Razini whowas also the Chief Justice of the supreme power. They perpetrated acts of violence and brutality and today, a man by the name of Raiissi, who was deputy to the judiciary and Mr. Montazeri who is  the current chief justice of the Supreme Court, have been appointed and continue with the existing agenda of inhumanity.
Several years ago, during a threatening attack, Ali Razini said: “During the years where I was in charge, I signed the execution order for tens of thousands of people.” Twenty years ago, when I was first attacked, as I was presiding over the prayer at Hemmat-Abad Mosque, they transferred me to that slaughterhouse.

Mohseni Ejehyee, was Tehran’s special prosecutor and while I was being tortured, he said: “Don’t you go thinking that just because you are a Seyyed, that we would let you get off. The only Seyyeds that count in my eyes, are Khomeini and Khamenei. You should be clear on the fact that I have personally killed thousands of Seyyeds. My thirty three year long track record is proof that clearly shows that the blood of many of the Maraajeh-Taghleed (sources of imitation), Ulama and clerics can very easy be spilled and the most important of all of them was Ayatollah Seyyed Kazem Shariatmadari, who was the grandest of the country’s Shia high clerics.”

The so-called special judiciary is nothing more than a branch of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security whose high ranking members are promoted to the position of Minister. Ward 209 of Tehran’s vile Evin prison is therefore the place where the tongues, hands and feet of the innocent are cut off and during the six months that I spent in detention in that ward, I was continually thrashed with thick cables and batons, punched, beaten and kicked to within an inch of my life.

Seyyed Hossein Boroujerdi

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand

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