August 14, 2013

A message from Kazemeini-Boroujerdi for the first gathering of Iranian secular

Translated and edited by: Banafsheh zand
The first gathering of Iranian secular and Democratic activists took place on August 3rd and 4th, 2013, in Washington D.C.
On the first day of the gathering of Iranians secular, several messages from various figures, among whom were the secularist cleric Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi and Reza Pahlavi, was read out loud. Following that, a number of speakers delivered speeches about the constitutional revolution and rampant discrimination by the Islamic regime.

 Full text of the message, below: 
the gathering of Iranian secular, several messages from various figures, among whom were the secularist cleric Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi and Reza Pahlavi, was read out loud. Following that, a number of speakers delivered speeches about the constitutional revolution and rampant discrimination by the Islamic regime.
Greetings to the courageous members of the opposition whose Iranian identity informs their great spirit. I send you, who has echoed the cries of this humble prisoner of conscience, greetings.
 I wish only victory for all the children of Iran whose country has been viciously plundered by a lifelong despot in the name of the Almighty. A despot who is a criminal and who in the name of sanctity and divinity, has destroyed the fundamental of spiritual law, and to whom democracy, referendum and a republic mean nothing.
 You have gathered to help a nation who thirty four years ago, was deceived by the false claimants of religion and who covered their true identity with the mask of spirituality. Thus, it is up to you, the caring and courageous to rise up and put to use all the facilities available in order to abolish this fascistic and devious regime.
 The area where the tyrannical regime has benefited most, has been the rampant disagreements among the opposition. What feeds and guarantees the longevity of the Supreme Leadership, is the division and chaos that has existed among the opponents of the despots. Luckily, the criminal leaders of this regime find themselves in such a quagmire, that they are forced to hide the promises of the founder of their revolution, and pretend that the nation does not subsist in wretchedness the likes of which our nation has never before witnessed.
 It is gratifying to see that today, the entire world has become aware of the true diabolical nature of this regime and that the desperate people of Iran are naturally coming to regret their mistake. However, it is unfortunate that reversing the havoc wreaked upon our country may take a century or more. The plundering of our national wealth, the squandering of the income from our natural resources, the annexation of personal and familial properties, etc. will require reparation which will only be restored over time and with great effort.
 In closing, I pray to God Almighty to advance your aims and to see your efforts to total success.
 Seyyed Hossein Kazemeini-Boroujerdi
Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran

August 2013

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