May 29, 2012

As Mr. Boroujerdi’s health declines, he is transferred to a hospital outside of prison

According to received reports, Mr. Kazemeini-Boroujerdi, prisoner of conscience, who has been suffering from severe kidney problems, was transferred to a hospital outside Evin prison on Saturday, May 26th, 2012.

It is important to mention that Mr. Boroujerdi who while passing Kidney stones suffered from internal injuries in the process and began to hemorrhage externally. This emergency situation forced the prison authorities to transfer him to a hospital outside Evin prison, however claiming that the hospital itself was not sufficiently equipped, Mr. Boroujerdi was returned to Evin without treatment!

Mr. Boroujerdi who has been a supporter of the separation of religion and state, and has challenged the nature of the Velayat’eh Faghih (Supreme Leadership) is now in his sixth year of his eleven year sentence.

Mr. Boroujerdi who has endured psychological and physical torture while in prison, suffers from a range of medical ailments such as cardiac and pulmonary problems, Parkinson’s disease, Diabetes, a torn retina and renal issues. The regime authorities have refused all requests for his medical furlough.

His supporters and various international human rights organizations have expressed great concern for this freedom-fighter and have called for assistance in his case. 

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