February 14, 2015

Prevention of Mr. Boroujerdi from meeting with the Representatives of the Parliament

On Tuesday evening, February 3, the persons in charge of the Evin prison went to Mr. Boroujerdi’s cell and after showing him the dispatch order, transferred him to the Evin prison dispensary by ambulance; during the nine years of his imprisonment, even though his health situation was not good, however his transfer by an ambulance is remains unprecedented!
 According to the reports of the “Human rights and democracy activists  in Iran” even though Mr. Boroujerdi was transferred to the dispensary under the pretext of treatment for osteoporosis, but once at the dispensary, they wanted to inject him with Ranitidine, which is intended for stomach pain, and since Mr. Boroujerdi did not have stomach problem, hence he protested against it, and following his protest, they abandoned administering the said injection, and despite his complaint and pains due to cardiac, lung, kidney problems, and severe pain in bones, no attempt was made towards his treatment, and he was told to return to his cell.
This took place while on the same day the members of the parliament’s judicial committee were visiting the Evin prison. During this three hour visit, apart from the members of the judicial committee, some representatives of the parliament such as Seyed Assadollah Jolayi, the general director of the headquarters of Diyeh (blood money), and Soleimani, the general director of Tehran province prisons were also present. When returning, Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi was confronted with the visiting people and the presence of journalists at the entrance of the dispensary, and tried to speak with the journalists, but the director of the Evin prison intervened immediately and prevented his meeting with the journalists, and in order to make sure that that he would not talk with the visiting group, returned him immediately in a vehicle to his cell. 
Also, on that same day, Rayisi, the director of the Special Court for the Clergy prevented the meeting of the parliament representatives from the special cell for the clergy, and despite what was published in domestic newspapers, the said representatives only managed to inspect a small part of the prison.
The Islamic Republic authorities have constantly prevented Dr. Ahmad Shahid, the UN special reporter, and also the independent doctors from visiting the prisons in Iran, and are even preventing visits from parliament members and domestic journalists. As a result, there is no clear and official report regarding the situation of the prisoners and their precise numbers and conditions in the Iranian prisons.
Report sent to the human rights and democracy activists in Iran.
February 2015

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