According to the report received from Evin prison, Mr. Boroujerdi’s limited phone communications has been stopped since Thursday Dec 31, 2009. The relevant authorities have presented nothing on this matter.
Also according to this report; due to the increase in detentions during last days, some of prisoners have been kept in containers and also this matter has caused other problems and restrictions for them. For example: decreasing in prisoners’ diet as daily quota of every four prisoners in Special Section for clergy is including two loavef of bread, a teabag and a so brief meal. Note that it is not enough even for one!It is necessary to say that the government has kept this popular character that is opposed to Velayat-e-Faghih, under continual control to prevent him from sending his messages on the recent events of Iran.
Iran wants freedom and democracy and both of them need government separate of religion.
Are we live in islamic republic country?
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