Since Feb 15, 2010 until Feb 17, 2010, coincident with Human Rights council seventh universal periodic review, a group of Human Rights organizations and civil institutions in Europe, Canada and America is going to gather in front of the United Nations headquarts in Geneva at 9 AM up to 5 PM and to show their protest against the massive human rights violation in Iran during more than 3 decades of the Islamic Republic time and their support of the right and democratic demands of Iranian people. This group is supported by Amnesty international organization and the International Federation of Trade Unions and Student Union in Europe.
It is necessary to say that Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s followers are supporting this protest gathering too.
These organizations with their great presence persistently ask the United Nations Human Rights Council for following demands:
1. Condemnation of repression, torture, stoning, violation and execution in Iran and trial of the authorities and factors of these inhumane actions
2. Unconditional release of all political and ideological prisoners
3. Removal of generic discriminations and legal, political and social equality for men and women
4. The right of gathering freely
5. Choose of life method and freedom of opinion, speech, press and attire
6. Dispatching the United Nations inspectorship to inspect the condition of prisons and prisoners urgently
7. Appointing a Human Rights special reporter for Iran by the United Nations
8. Binding the Islamic Republic government to observe the tenor of the World Human Rights Statement and of its accessional covenants and to remove all kinds of religious, racial and generic discrimination
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