August 19, 2012

Mr. Kazemeini Boroujerdi’s Greetings on the occasion of Eid-e-Fetr

I send my warmest greetings to all Muslim nations, scholars and students, and wish happiness and health for all of you who are fasting.

However, in Iran, this Ramadan is the most deplorable in the history of faith of this land. Iran’s poor have no reason to hope for peace, happiness, or the minimum of material resources to sustain them.

Those who celebrate this day, remember the tears of your fellow Muslims who, although living in this great and ancient civilization, now have no dignity, material wealth or meaningful life in this part of the world.

O believers and faithful, at the end of your Eid-e-Fetr Prayers, remember all the children of Islam whose world has been extinguished in the name of religion and Sharia Law, and falsely done under the name of the Prophet by Iran’s corrupt Islamic regime through it’s brainwashing and oppression of the people . They turned the divine obligation of the believers into hatred of and enmity to religion in the people’s hearts. With their dishonest motto of “our faith dictates our policy“, they have made the next generation disgusted by religion.

Seyed Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi
Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran, August 2012

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