According to the latest reports; after that Masoud Samavatiyan, Habib Quvati and AlirReza Montazer-Saheb, the three numbers of Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s followers, were transferred to out of Special court of clergy in order to execution of “imprisonment in exile” sentence at 3p.m and on 21, Oct, 2008, as yet, these people have not contacted their families. The families of these people have announced that if they don’t get reliable information on the situations of them until next Sunday, they will gather in front of the United Nations office in Tehran in addition to broadcasting this information.
According to received reports; AlirReza Montazer-Saheb has been transferred to prison in Kermanshah but, there is no information about the two other prisoners’ situation. Also it has been reported that Aliraza Montazer-Saheb has stricken against the very bad situations in prison but there is no further information on this matter.
These transmissions have probably been done in order to prevent from every protest and broadcasting the information of prisoners because it has been planed that a foreign group will come to consider the Evin prison situation during next week.
why the Iranian government, fear of them?
I think Ayatollah Boroujerdi is the only defiant against Iranian Fascisme government.
Iranian government try to distraction Ayatollah Boroujerdi's character so it make liying profession films and enunciate liying things about him in its media.
Dear friend:
Iranian governer know that Ayatollah Boroujerdi can washout his government so he wants to kill Ayatollah and his supports .I think this is on reason of arrested them.
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